Jerrin Joseph's Profile

Name Jerrin Joseph
Nick Name
Date-of-Birth 06 december 1993
Gender Male
Languages Accepted to Act malayalam,hindi,english,telugu,tamil
Preferred Media :Film, Short film, Ad film
Physical Data Height-5'8" Weight 70kgs
Strong and well built. Good looking
Talent Acting is a natural in me. Proficiency in language and dialects. Lack of stage fear and easiness in front of camera adds to my profile. An engineering student, that makes me know the present culture and trends which is the financial point of the show business. Young age makes me flexible physically and mentally strong with no strings attached.
About me Born in kerala, brought up at hyderabad. Pursuing B.Tech in NITCalicut, Kozhikode. Would love to have my career in cinema and it came out of a teenage immersed in cinema, not mere popularity desire.
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